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Today is Tuesday The 22nd of October 2024

We thank everyone who has taken the time to write to us with their well wishes and prayers. Here are some of the encouraging words we have received through e-mail:

Thinking of all of you during this time of year. You're little boy is always on my mind

I am truly very sorry to here about what has happened to your family. I can't imagine what Christi and Chris must be going through. I can't get the picture of Jared out of my mind and I feel overwhelmed with anger and confusion as to why this has happened. I am so sick of children getting get hurt or killed at the hands of adults that can't control themselves. I know I never knew any of you, but my heart aches so badly, it is like I lost one of my own (as crazy as that sounds). I wish I could offer help in a donation, but unfortunately, I'm in very similar circumstances. I do want you to know though, that my thoughts are with you and I wish for the speedy return of Christi to her father. Also, I would like to ad that this incident has given me the motivation to help prevent things like this from happening to any other children in the future. I am currently looking into ways that I can help. I won't keep you any longer, thank you for listening.

To the Harding Family
I am an avid Star Ledger reader who was following up on this article. My heart was touched on how Jared tried to resuce his sister and his own life was take away. I know that he is in a much better and safer place and my condolences goes out to his family. With Deepest Sympathy

I just read the article about Jarod on Courier Post online. I am devastated, and sickened, and my heart breaks for you. I am 28 with 2 small children of my own, ages 11 and 4. My children and I have been really struggling financially, and its been really hard for us to be positive and keep on going. But I have found that this has brought us all closer, we appreciate each other more, and we love each other more-we're all we've got. Their little faces give me the motivation to keep on going. I think of my own babies and I am devastated that such a beautiful little boy lost his life so young, and so senselessly. A child is truly a gift, and I am so very truly sorry that you family has had to experience such a loss. My heart goes out to your daughter as well..I just dont know what to say, other than that your family is in my thoughts, and my prayers. I can't offer much in the way of money, but if clothes or toys are needed for Christi, or anyting at all, please let me know. So many people have helped me and given to me so generously, and I would be blessed and honored to be able to help.
Again, I am truly sorry for your loss.

A Child's Grief (poem for Christina)

Lord you care so much
For the tears of a hurting child
Who has felt the grief of tragedy
Now no longer wears a smile

Unable to clearly express
How much she's hurting inside
Not fully understanding the pain
Nor knowing the reasons 'why'

She wants so much to reach out
To someone who will listen
Someone that can hold her close
And respond with godly wisdom
For she just needs a grown up
To know what she's going through
But often we don't realize her grief
Because we are hurting too

Let her know you care Lord
And will be there when we're not
The emptiness she feels within
May be filled with you oh God

May she know you as a father
And know you're by her side
To come and wipe her tears away
When alone she silently cries

Hold her in your arms Lord
So she will be at peace
Allow us all to give her time
In dealing with her grief

For tears may last all night
But joy comes in the morning
So let her grieve throughout the night
For a new day will be dawning

A Christmas Card for Jared

It's the night before Christmas, we're all filled with joy,
Except when we think of you, little boy.
The stockings are hung by the chimney with care,
And in our hearts it's as if you were still here.
My child is sleeping, in her bedroom she lie,
But we're still filled with grief for Jared who tragically died.
You see, this Christmas you would have been only six,
But every Christmas I know you'll be missed.
As I wrap up the presents my thoughts are on you,
And what we'd have bought if you were here, too.
A car, a ball a red fire truck?
Or maybe some board games to play with my Claudia.
The tree is all trimmed with bright colored balls,
And decorations hang, on all of the walls.
It looks so pretty -- I wonder if you see
Your Christmas ornament on your step from Claudia and me.
Claudia wants you to know how she wished you were here,
Not knowing I'd place it on your step with eyes full of tears.
Tomorrow is Christmas; I'll try not to be sad;
I'll count all my blessings and try to be glad,
You're not a part of our future -- you were a part of our past
And someday I know we'll be together at last.
God Bless you, Claudia & Michelle

My prayers are with your family.

If Chris, Christi or anyone else in the family needs anything, from simple moral support, a home cooked meal or just another shoulder to lean on, do not hesitate to call me, day or night.

I know I have not been in contact with anyone from the Harding family in a long time, but when my parents told me about this, I had to contact you even though I have no clue as what to say.
You will be in my prayers.

I am truly sorry for your loss. I will pray for Jared and your family during this very difficult time. Jared is a TRUE HERO. I am a local police officer and I just can not imagine the devastation that the family is going through. I pray for the officers who responded to the scene, as this is something that we all hope that we will never have to see. God bless the officers. If you are still in need of a black suit, please let me know and I will be glad to provide what ever you need. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Im at a loss for words and don't know what to say but I just needed to reach out to you because your story fills my heart with such pain for all of you. I cannot imagine what you are all feeling but I know the pain is enormous. Please know that my children and I are praying for your family. God Bless

I just wanted to write to you to express my sympathy for your family. My daughter was in Jarod's class and I had the privilege of volunteering in their class this year. I know that he will be greatly missed by the whole class. Our prayers are for your healing and for the quick, safe return of Christina to her father.

Hello Harding Family, my name is Jennifer and I wanted to say that I can only imagine the pain you are feelings, but to help ease your pain just know Jarod is home now, he is out of harms way. He can now look down upon his father, sister, and family to guide you all and keep you all safe as well as love you all. I do not know your family, but I can't help but feel sadness in my heart for your little boy, no one deserves a death of that sort nor deserves it from their mother. Jarod in the mind frame that he was in after this tragic event he still managed to yell out to his sister, and wow he is a true hero. I myself can not have children, in which breaks my heart how can anyone hurt a child, I would give the world to be a mother and my husband to be a father, so tragic events like this are so truly hurtful to my heart. I can only keep reminding myself Jarod is at peace with out Lord. Harding Family my words of wisdom to you are to keep a strong, healthy, loving, and stable state of mind for yourself and your little girl Christy, she needs you all, she needs her family and thank God she has a loving foster family to help her through this, when she returns just love her and give her the best possible home. I wish you all the best, everything will be alright, and know Jarod will always look upon you all.

I am so sorry for your loss. The loss of a child is always so hard to comprehend. I pray that God give your family strength and hope at such a difficult time. My heart goes out to your family and you are all in my prayers.

I am so sorry for your loss. I am a mother of six and i couldn't even imagine what your family is going through right now. Nothing anyone can say will ease your pain. Just know that this little boys last thought was to save his sister. Truly a hero. While he was taken from you, God has invited him into heaven to be by his side. may god bless your son, your daughter and you in this time of sorrow

My name is Cheri and I seen that your brother is in need of a suit for the funeral. I was wondering if he is still in need of the suit? Please contact me and let me know if i can be of any further help to you and your family. I would also like to give my apologizes for your loss.

my thoughts and prayers are with you all..god bless you

Rolf & Chris,
Words can't explain the sadness my family is feeling for your family. The whole Harding Family is in our prayers.

I just read about what happened in the Inquirer and was so touched with how your family is able to see past the searing pain and look at this situation to find some joy. Jarod indeed died a hero and achieved his life's goal. I hope your daughter is returned home soon. Please know that I'll keep all of you in my thoughts and prayers.

My heart goes out to you and your family at this time. I will pray for you and ask God to give you peace at this time and always.
Trust in the LORD with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will direct your paths.
Proverbs 3, 5-6

I have no words to make it hurt less. But please know that you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. He is in a beautiful place with no tears and pain and is looking down on you with love. I'm so very sorry for your loss. He was a precious boy and will certainly be missed by all. I found this poem and hope you will be comforted by it. God Bless and Keep you in His care.

When God calls our children
to dwell with Him above,
We mortals sometimes question
the wisdon of His love.
For no heartache compares with,
the death of one small child.
Who does so much to make our world,
seem so wonderful and mild.
Perhaps God tires of calling
the aged to His fold.
So He picks a rosebud
before it can grow old.
God knows how much we need them,
and so He takes but few.
To make the land of heaven
more beautiful to view.
Believing this is difficult
still somehow we must try.
The saddest word mankind knows
will always be Good-bye.
So when a little child departs,
we who are left behind,
Must realize God loves children.
Angels are hard to find!

I, along with the rest of my co-workers, are honestly and truly sad, from the bottom of my heart.
Please let me know if there is a fund set up or anything else done in Jared's name.

My heart breaks for you all please take comfort in knowing what a brave and smart little boy that you have. The world is a cruel place but there is hope knowing one day that you all will be at peace and smiling with Jarod once again .Again my thoughts and my prayers are with you please take care of each other.

This is Staci--George's wife. We are so very sorry for everything that has happened. Please tell Chris if he needs anything at all to please call us. George will also call Chris later today. We know Chris is an amazing father and a wonderful person, and we pray he will reunite with his daughter soon.

As a father,husband and a Deptford Police Officer, I am truly at a loss for words. Please pray and heal. My family and I will continue to keep you in our thoughts and prayers. Be strong.

It is a very sad situation to have to deal with this time of year or for that matter any time of year. My heart goes out for the entire family. My 15 year old daughter and my 19 year old daughter told me that they are going to ask their friends if after Christmas they would like to get together and start up a collection fund for the funeral cost. Everyone deserves a nice funeral, especially this little boy (THE HERO). God Bless you all. GOD BLESS JARED.

I grieve with you and I;m sorry for your lost. Please believe and have faith in GOD always. Athough we can not explain why things happen the way they do please remember GOD is still in control. Countine to be a blessing to others and GOD will continue to be with you and your family. I cry for and with you...
A person in Union, New Jersey

I'm so, so sorry for your loss--your son will always be a Hero!

We are so sorry for your tragic loss of your son Jarod. Our sincerest condolences to your family .we will keep you in our prayers .God has a new angel in heaven. God Bless You All

Christian Harding and Family,
This is just to express my sympathies to you and your daughter in your hour of need. Perhaps it will be of some small consolation to know that others have been touched by the story of your son’s heroism.
Don’t second guess yourself. Look forward for the rest of your days.

I am so sorry to hear about your son. Such a tragedy, especially this time of year. May God be with you and your daughter at this time.
You are in my prayers
God Bless

My heart goes out to your family. Heaven welcomed a 6 yr old angel yesterday. God will bless you and your family in the midst of this tragedy and he will turn your weeping into joy one day. It will be hard, it is hard, speaking from experience but he is much better off and he will always be in your hearts. As brave little Jarod looks down on you, he is telling everyone not to cry and not to worry. He loves you all.

My heart goes out to you in this time of tragedy and great loss. Stay strong and know that many are praying for you. Jared is in a better place looking down and looking over you now. I'm sure he will see to it that you spend Christmas with your daughter.

My First Christmas In Heaven

I see the countless Christmas trees around the world below
With tiny lights, like Heaven's stars, reflecting on the snow
The sight is so spectacular, please wipe away the tear
For I am spending Christmas with Jesus Christ this year.
I hear the many Christmas songs that people hold so dear
But the sounds of music can't compare with the Christmas choir up here.

I have no words to tell you, the joy their voices bring,
For it is beyond description, to hear the angels sing.
I know how much you miss me, I see the pain inside your heart
But I am not so far away, We really aren't apart.
So be happy for me, dear ones, You know I hold you dear.
And be glad I'm spending Christmas with Jesus Christ this year.

I sent you each a special gift, from my heavenly home above.
I sent you each a memory of my undying love.
After all, love is a gift more precious than pure gold.

It was always most important in the stories Jesus told.
Please love and keep each other, as my Father said to do.
For I can't count the blessing or love he has for each of you.
So have a Merry Christmas and wipe away that tear
Remember, I am spending Christmas with Jesus Christ this year.

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